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Geschiebekunde Aktuell [Ga]

Published quarterly and 4 issues usually result in one volume.

Special Issue “Geschiebekunde aktuell”

Special editions of “Geschiebekunde Aktuell” are published irregularly, mostly on the occasion of conferences, exhibitions, excursions or similar.

Archiv für Geschiebekunde [AfG]

Archiv für Geschiebekunde is intended for work from the German Archive for Bedload Research at the Institute for Geological Sciences of the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University Greifswald, founded in 1936, and the Archive for Bedload Research at the Geological-Palaeontological Institute and Museum of the University of Hamburg, founded in 1988, and for publications related to their tasks.

It is edited by the first mentioned institution and has been published since 1990. Several issues appearing in casual succession are combined into one volume.

Archiv für Geschiebekunde is intended for work from the German Archive for Bedload Research at the Institute for Geological Sciences of the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University Greifswald, founded in 1936, and the Archive for Bedload Research at the Geological-Palaeontological Institute and Museum of the University of Hamburg, founded in 1988, and for publications related to their tasks.

It is edited by the first mentioned institution and has been published since 1990. Several issues appearing in casual succession are combined into one volume.

In order to ensure a uniform layout of all submitted contributions and to reduce the amount of work for the editors, the guidelines for authors [Ga & AfG] are available in PDF format (german only). 

Kaerlein International

Bibliographies of the boulder boulder literature, glaciations worldwide and boulder researchers (further developed Kaerlein bibliography)
[ kindly hosts the current version of the Kaerlein International Bibliography]

Researcher Bibliography

Laudaties, biographies, obituaries and portraits of bed load researchers – a compilation of the literature
The digital bibliography records works on the anniversaries and the life (the vitae) of researchers in the field of pushing.

Conference programmes

List of the conference programs of past annual conferences of the Gesellschaft für Geschiebekunde e.V.

Gesellschaft für Geschiebekunde e.V.