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The society constist of ap. 400 members. Organized in several sections in northern Germany. An annual membership fee must be paid for membership. Since the amount of the membership fee depends on various factors, the following table provides information.
If you still have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at The form for applying for membership of the Gesellschaft für Geschiebekunde e.V. can be found below.

Application for membership (in german)

Please send the completed form to the address below:

Gesellschaft für Geschiebekunde e.V.
c/o Ulrike Mattern
Bahrenfelder Kirchweg 29
D – 22761 Hamburg

membership typeexplanationannual fee
Full Member Adults35,- €
Full Member Reduced for students, pupils, unemployed, welfare recipients, etc. 15,- €
Spouse of a full member 10,- €
Cooperative Member Institutes, libraries, associations, companies, authorities 35,- €
Cooperative Member Exchange partners, mutual membership in associations, etc. non-contributory
Free membershipResidents of a country with a currency that is not freely convertible, etc. upon request

Bank details: HypoVereinsbank Hamburg bank sort code: 200 300 00 account number: 26 03330

IBAN DE69 2003 0000 0002 6033 30 BIC:HYVEDEMM300

Gesellschaft für Geschiebekunde e.V.